Can be made with Key Limes.
For Sous Vide Scroll to the bottom for Pics and Directions once you make the filling.
This is a different approach to the common Cheesecake. The Vanilla Wafer Crust is pre baked and cooled before filling. It also has 3 Tbsp Of Xyletol/Monkfruit and 3 Tbsp sugar in the whole filling. The recipe has less sugar than others, and it also has lime juice in it. The lime juice is mixed with the Sugar, Xyletol and Corn Starch and warmed in a Small Frying Pan until slightly thickened and then cooled before adding to the eggs, which is then added to the Cream Cheese and Sour Cream mixture.
For the Crust.
Preheat the Oven to 425°
6 Oz “Catalina Crunch Keto” Cereal.
1/3 c Melted Salted Butter
1/3 box of an 11 oz box of Nilla Wafers..Food processed Into fine crumbs.
1/4 c melted Salted Butter.
Mix together . Continue below.
Do this First:
Line the bottom of your spring form pan with parchment paper. (See below) you can also line the sides if you want.
Mix together the crushed/processed Cereal or Wafers with the Melted Butter (mentioned above).
Press into the bottom and up to 1 1/2” of the sides of a 7” leak proof spring form pan. Do not go higher. The filling needs to go above the Crust or it will get soggy wherever it is exposed on top. Bake at 425° for 7-10 min and check for doneness. When done, remove from Oven and Completely cool.
*FOR INDIVIDUAL Mason Jars, press filling into bottom of the jars. Place Jars onto a cookin Sheet and Bake at 375° for 10 min. Remove and cool completely.
Bring ALL ingredients to Room temprature before mixing. Do not use a mixer. You don’t want to incorporate air into the filling. Stir by Hand.
For the TOPPING:
1/2 c Sour Cream.
1 1/2 tsp Sugar.
1 1/2 tsp Monk Fruit, Xyletol, or Erythritol
2 pkg Cream Cheese full fat. Don’t use less fat.
3 Tbsp granulated White Sugar.
3 Tbsp Xyletol, Erythritol or Monk fruit blend sweetener.
2 Tbsp + 1 1/2 tsp Corn Starch.
1/8 Tsp Salt.
1/4 c Lime Juice.
2 tsp Vanilla.
1/2 c Sour Cream.
2 Beaten Eggs
In a Medium sized mixing Bowl, mix the Cream Cheese By HAND, until softened and smooth, then add the Sour Cream and carefully blend together. You are trying not to incorporate air into the recipe.
In another small bowl, remove the white Chalazae (thick white blob with the squiggly thing) from the Egg Yolk, then mix the Eggs lightly. Add the Vanilla and stir into the Eggs. Set aside.
Using a small 6” Frying Pan, add the Salt, Sugar, Xyletol, Corn Starch and then Lime juice and stir well. Let it set until the granuals are totally dissolved. Turn the heat on the burner to Medium low. Using a whisk, stir the mixture until it starts to thicken . DO NOT OVERHEAT (the mixture may seize up) Pull off the heat, stir, and repeat until the mixture warms and thickens just enough to coat the back of a Spoon. Remove from heat and cool completely, stirring occasional to prevent it from congealing.
When the Lime mixture is totally cooled, drizzle it into the beaten Eggs while mixing it all together with a Fork. Then slowly fold the Egg/Lime mixture into the smooth Cream Cheese Mixture.
Add Recommended amount of water to the inner pot. Make a sling or use a long handled trivet. ? Stop here. For individual servings with Sous Vide Method Skip down to Sous Vide Below.
Pour the Filling into your Pre baked Crust in the Spring form Pan. Tap it on the counter a few times to remove bubbles. Make sure that the Filling covers the Crust. Set the Pan into a sling or trivet and lower into the Pot.
Put the lid on and set the time for 28 min. When the timer beeps, let it NPR for 15 min. Open lid carefully, straight up, not tipped, avoid dripping condensation onto the Cake. Set the Lid aside not on the Pot. Remove the Cheesecake and immediately use a Paper towel to carefully soak up the Water off the top of the Cheesecake.
Set the Cheesecake onto a Cooling Rack for an hour to cool completely before covering and putting in the Refrigerator.
Refrigerate the Cheesecake for a few hours before topping.
TOPPING: mentioned above
1/2 c Sour Cream.
1 1/2 tsp Sugar.
1 1/2 tsp Monk Fruit, Xyletol, or Erythritol
Mix well and allow Sugars to dissolve .
Take a flat bladed knife like a butter knife and Carefully run it between the Cheesecake Crust and sides of the pan. Try not to scratch your Pan.
Carefully spread the Sour Cream topping on the top of the Cheesecake.
Remove the side of the Pan.
Garnish with thinly Sliced Lime if desired.
Transfer Cheesecake to a nice serving Plate and serve.

In an 8 q Instant Pot or a vat, fill to Half way.
Use HOT tap water to fill your Sous Vide Bath. Set the temp to 160°. Let it come up to temp. If you like your Cheesecake really Firm you may want 178-180° (Cook for 2 hrs), the times are at the bottom for smoother and creamy or firm.
Put the trivet down inside. This allows for circulation around the bottom.
Have Kitchen Tongs or Canning Jar Tongs ready.
6- 8oz Mason jars or Similar type with their Seals and Lids
Follow Crust and Filling directions from above.
You can PreBake the crusts for 10 min at 375° and Cool completely before filling.
I didn’t, but if you are making them to store in the frigid for a couple of days I would.
Fill Mason Jars with Filling to within 1/4” of the top for expansion but not less than that because they could float in the SV Bath. Put the lids on just a little tighter than Finger tight.
If you use the ones shown in pic, the Seal will/may leak a bit but if you fill these ones to the top, the filling will prevent water from going “IN”. The egg cooking causes filling to expand some so the pressure comes from within not the outside.
Using the Tongs, carefully lower the Jars Down onto the trivet. Put the Lid on and make sure that the Valve is on release.or use a glass Lid. Set a kitchen timer for the time that you want.
1 hour gives you smooth and creamy Cheesecake.
2 hours gives a more firm Cake.
For Very firm Cheese cake, go with 178°-180° for 2 hrs.

New Choices on crumbs! Costco carries this. Food process until Crumbs are fine. Then add melted Butter and mix well. No need for Sweetener, it’s in the Cereal. This masher sure made it easy. Use your fingers if you don’t have something that helps to tamp it in the Jar. This is the Lime Sauce that goes in with the smoothed Cream Cheese and Phili Fill this high for the 8 Oz Jars Some of the filling may leak out. No water comes in because the pressure comes from the inside as the eggs cook and rise some.