Hot Wings, and the works!
Who needs to go out!
This is a very simple Recipe and even if you don’t have an Air Fryer, you can do these in the Instant Pot and then under the Broiler in the Oven.
In the Instant Pot, you would just put the Trivet in and use the required amount of Water in for your Pot, and press Manual 2 min with 5 min NPR, and then use the Broiler to finish them after you sauce them up.
you can also cook them a bit longer if you want them even more crispy.
Also see my Air fried Chicken Thighs here.
Air Fry Chicken Thighs or Breasts IP Duo Crisp.
And my Buffalo style Pork strips Here Buffalo Style Pork Strips Air Fryer or Oven
My Hubby said, “Baby! Buffalo Wild Wings Ain’t got Nutin on You! These are great Wings!” That is what I was aiming for? and I thought that my Son was the only one that could make good Wings.
Chicken Wings in the Air Fryer.
Preheat to 400°
1 Dozen Fresh Chicken Wings.
2 tsp Johnnies Seasoning Salt or equivalent.
1 tsp Slap Ya Mama Seasonings.
Mix the Seasonings together.
Spritz the Wings with Evoo then Sprinkle with the Seasoning Salts.
I don’t use the Duo Crisp Basket anymore because I want more surface area for the Food to cook , but for these I do flip my Trivet over so that it’s tall, and then I put the Broiler plate/rack on top of that. See the first and second Pics below.
Preheat the AF 400° By setting the Temp and then the Time for about 18 min, this will give you time to load the Wings for a couple of minutes. When it beeps telling you that it is heated.
Spray the fryer rack with Cooking Spray then put the Wings on top of the Rack evenly spaced out. Adjust the time to 16 min. . Flip Wings over at the half way point.
Meanwhile, make the Hot Sauce for the Wings:
3 Tbsp Butter melted
1 1/2 Tbsp Sushi Rice vinegar
2 Tbsp Worchestershire
4 Tbsp Cholula sauce
1 Tbsp Tabasco
1/2 tsp Garlic powder
Put all ingredients in a Sauce Pan and heat until hot and mixed, do not boil. Pour Some over the wings and mix in.
Serve with Celery, and carrot sticks and Lighthouse Blue Cheese Salad Dressing.