Preheat Oven to 425°
For Apple Cinnamon Scones, scroll to the Bottom.
NOTE: Some Self Rising Flours are different than others so you may need a bit more of one vs less of another. Dough should not be stiff like Biscuits but not runny like Cake batter either. If using SRF like “White Lily”, a lighter soft winter wheat Flour, then you may need up to 1/2 c more of it.
2 c Self Rising Flour (see DIY recipe below)
1 c Powdered sugar
3/4 c whole 4% Buttermilk
1 cube cold Butter grated
1 large Egg beaten
4 Tbsp Butter for the Pan
1 1/4 c Blueberries
1/2 c Craisins
Substitutions… Raspberries, Costco’s Mixed Berries , Peaches, Strawberries, fresh Apples (thinly chopped ) ..hint for the berries, not all the way but almost thawed, partially frozen so they don’t break apart.
1 1/2 c Powdered Sugar
1 Tbsp plus more if needed water
1 tiny pinch Salt
2-3 drops vanilla
Mix well into a thicker paste that you can spread with a basting brush. Not too thin. Set aside, for when the scones are done. You will Brush over warm… not hot Scones. It will melt too fast on fresh ones that just come out of the Oven. You can even use homemade or canned Apple Pie filling.
Oven 425°
Melt the 4 tbsp Butter and add to a large #9 cast iron skillet.
In a med mixing bowl, add the Self rising flour, Crasins and Grated Butter to the SRf and Powder Sugar. Add the Egg to the Buttermilk and mix well. Add that to the Flour and Craisins . Mix batter until incoorperated and no more. Fold in the Blue Berries and Dump mixture into Buttered Frying Pan.
Using a bench Scraper, divide into 8 pieces. (It wont stay apart but will cut easier later.)
Bake for 20 min and check for doneness. They should be nice and Browned on top… so you will probably add 10 more minutes to make them nice and crunchy. But check. Ovens temps differ. When they are done, to get them out of the frying pan, place a cooling rack on top of the frying pan and invert …(flip it over quickly.) Repeat this to flip them back over onto a flat cookie sheet or griddle. Then use a flat edge knife to press/cut between the cracks. Separate the cracks about 1/8” of each so that some of the Glaze will dribble between. Use a baster brush to dip into the Glaze and carefully spread onto each Scone.
Here’s the DIY SRF and biscuits recipe

Apple Cinnamon Scones
Oven 425°
1 1/2 c flour
1 c powder sugar
1 tsp Cinnamon ish
4 Tbsp Butter very soft almost melted
1 egg
1/2 tsp Vanilla
A few Tbsp 1/2 n 1/2 (about 1/4 c ish)
2 medium Apples (about 3 c ).
4 Tbsp Butter for the Pan
Mix dry ingredients,
Mix the egg and butter together then add Vanilla and the Half n Half.
Pour the Milk Mixture into the dry ing, and mix just a couple of turns until almost incorporated and then add the Apples. The Apples will add more moisture to the mixture. Finish mixing until all flour is incorporated.
Use a Large # 9 cast Iron Pan.
Melt the butter for the Pan and pour it in. Swish butter around and scoop/dump the Dough into the Frying Pan. Leave it in the middle and cut/divide into 6-8 separate Scones. Seperate the scones about 1/4” apart.
Bake 425° for about 25-30 min.