This Dry Rub is great for Pulled Pork and Chicken.
Pulled Pork Butt/Shoulder IP.
Pulled Pork..Breville or Oven

Makes almost 3/4 c…………………X 4=3 c
It’s Spicy.
Substitute Brown Sugar For the Sugar in the seasoning Salt if you like.
see my Seasoning Salt recipe here or use Johnnies if you have it handy .
Seasoning Salt. DIY.
See my Taco Blend as well.
Taco Seasoning.

2 T Johnnies Seasoning Salt…1/2 c. (Salt, Sugar, Paprika, Onion, Garlic, Pepper)
1 T Cumin………………………………..1/4 c. 
2 T Oregano…………………………….1/2 c. 
1 T Chili Powder………………………1/4 c. 
2 T Onion Powder……………………1/2 c. 
3 T Garlic Powder…………………….3/4 c. 
1 T Cayenne Pepper………………….1/4 c. 
2 T Salt……………………………………..1/2 c. 
1 T Pepper…………………………………1/4 c. 
1 T Italian Seasoning………..……..1/4 c. 
4 T Paprika………………….……….…..1 c

Add all Ingredients together and mix well.
Pour into a medium sized Jar and keep stored in a cool Dry Cupboard.

Posted on Categories General Recipes, Spice Blends, Uncategorized

Seasoning Salt. DIY

SEASONING SALT:………………………X3= just over 4 c

1 c Salt.…………………………………………….3 c.
4 Tbsp Sugar (or Brown sug)….…..3/4c.
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp Smoked Paprika……1/2 c
5 tsp Garlic Powder………………………1/4 c 1 Tbsp.
2 Tbsp + 2 tsp Onion Powder…..…..1/2 c.
2 tsp Pepper……………………………..…..2 Tbsp.

Posted on Categories General Recipes, Spice Blends, Uncategorized

Taco Seasoning

1/4 C cumin..……….….……….1 c
1 Tbsp Oregano…….….………1/4 c
1 Tbsp Onion Powder….…..1/4 c
1 Tbsp Garlic Powder.….….1/4 c
2 Tbsp Salt…………….…………1/2 c
1/4 c Chili Powder….……..…1 c
2 Tbsp Paprika…………………1/2 c
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper……….1 Tbsp+1 tsp.

Use a Medium sized Mixing Bowl to blend all Spices.
Funnel into a Spice jar.
TO USE.. Use a couple Tbsp to taste to Season your Meat or use as you would any Taco Seasoning.

FOR MY TACO SALAD RECIPE LINK …Click here. Taco Salad.
FOR MY MEXICAN SPAGHETTI SQUASH RECIPE ….Click here .. (coming soon).

Posted on Categories General Recipes, Spice Blends, Uncategorized