Includes a creamy Cream of Wheat recipe using part heavy whipping Cream.
Can be doubled . For Creamy cream of wheat recipe, scroll to the bottom.
For my Oatmeal Recipe click here. Oatmeal, Steel Cut and Rolled..IP PIP Pot in pot.
And for my Grits Recipe click here. Grits Plain and simple IP PIP Fast
- Optional Substitute Malt o Meal for the Cream of wheat
Makes 1 cup plus some
1/4 c Cream of Wheat.
1/8 tsp Salt.
1 c water. for thinner, use 1 1/4 c.
1 Tbsp Butter.
Optional: sugar or Brown sugar, Craisins, Apples, Cinnamon, Raisins, Peaches, etc.
Use a small Stainless steel Bowl that holds 3 -4 cups . Pour The recommended water in the Stainless Steel inner Pot. Place the Trivet in the pot. Add the Water, Cream of Wheat, and Salt to the stainless bowl. Put the bowl in the Pot on the Trivet. Put the Lid on and set the time to 5 min. When the timer goes off, wait a couple minutes and then QR.
Stir and serve. Add a little water to the rest in the Bowl so it doesn’t stiffen up.

For Creamy Cream of Wheat:
Makes 2 c ish. This has to be stirred well after it’s done.
1/4 c Cream of Wheat.
3/4 c Water.
1/2 c Heavy Whipping Cream or Half and Half.
1/8 tsp Salt.
1 Tbsp Butter
Same method as above except add the Cream, Water, Salt, and Cream of Wheat to the Bowl and set the time to 6 min instead of 5. A slightly rounded bottom on the bowl works best. When it beeps, stir well with a fork because it will have settled and thickened on the bottom of the bowl. Serve up.