Jambalaya IP… PIP Rice in the pot at the same time..for 8q, can be adjusted for 6q.

Includes Stove top Version and Directions below.
About 30 years ago, We had a Cajun friend..Ron, whom was a Chef by his own right. He and I made Jambalaya for 75 one day for a large crowd that was a hit. It was a two day Process for us. That particular dish did not have Shrimp in it due to the Expense of it, but it is part of the ingredients that I use sometimes and sometimes not.
Back then, I spent one day chopping 17 lbs of Onions and all of the rest of the Veggies, then the next day cooking. It’s usually one of those Cajun stews that takes a long time to simmer, but once it’s done, it is so delicious that it has since been part of our families favorites and has been on the menu from then on!
This recipe is from memory of what we did, and of course, I have also altered the portions, for regular family sized meals and I have adapted it for the IP. I also figured out how to make the rice separately but all at the same time in the same Pot.
Normally with Jambalaya, the Rice is mixed into the sauce and cooked to absorb the liquid, but because we try to lower our Carb intake, I make and serve the Rice separately so that each person can put just that perfect amount individually into their serving.
This way, you could use Cauliflower Rice or even Shiritake Rice.
While this recipe is specifically for the 8q to allow room for the PIP Rice, you can make that separately in another IP or stove top to be able to make this in the 6 q as well.
If you are making the Rice at the same time, you really need an 8 q to do it right but can make it is a small bowl in the 6 q too.
To cook the Rice along long with the Stew then, you will need a Stainless steel bowl (not glass), bundt cake pan or loaf pan to put it in. You can do 1 or 2 cups of Rice in the Bowl, but just remember to rinse it well AND drain it well… and only add 1 cup MINUS 2 Tbsp of Water per cup of Rice. …So for 2 c Rice, you only use 1 3/4 c water. This is because of the extra time that the Rice will be in the steamy environment. Make sense? This way it is not gummy.

3 lbs Chicken. Boneless skinless Thighs, Whole.. (Or you can use whole hind quarters, then carefully get them out and pick the meat off when it’s done) the former is much easier.
2 cups Kielbasa, cut up
1 lb Shrimp. ( Hold out for Last). I like Jumbo’s.
2 c sweet Onion (about 1 large).
2 c chopped Green Pepper or 3/4 c mixed sweet Peppers and 1/2 c chopped hot, Red, Yellow and Orange Peppers ( see pic.).
NOTE…If you don’t use the hot peppers, add 1/2 Tsp Cayanne Pepper
2 c Celery chopped.
4 Roma’s diced.
1 28 oz can Hunts diced Tomatoes
6 cloves Garlic. Minced ( 1/4 c ish)
1/3 c Tomato Paste.
1 1/2 Tbsp Chili Powder.
1 1/2 Tbsp Oregano or Italian seasoning.
1 1/2 tsp Salt.
1 tsp Pepper.
12-15 strands of Saffron
1 Tbsp Costco’s Better than Bullion Chicken.
2 Tbsp EVOO.
2 smaller bay leaves
2 C Rice, rinsed and drained, 1 3/4 c Water, added into another stainless steel bowl for PIP See pic. Below.

1 Tbsp Sun dried Tomatoes.
File Gumbo seasoning to top individual servings

Save the Shrimp out for after the rest is cooked.
Turn the Ip to Saute Hi. When the pot is hot, pour in the EVOO and then Onions Peppers and Garlic. Sauté for a couple of minutes, just until the Onions start to turn translucent. Turn the pot off and then start layering the other ingredients… without stirring from this point on. Start with the chopped Roma’s, then add the Chicken, evenly disbursed, then the Better than Bullion Chicken, then the Tomato Paste …next, add the Kielbasa. Sprinkle the spices evenly over it all, including the Bay leaves. Lastly, add the Diced Tomatoes including the juice. This juice is all of the liquid that you will use, the veggies will add more as they start to break down while they cook.
If you are doing the PIP rice, use a 3”tall flatter bottom Stainless bowl, a cake pan or even a bundt pan. It has to fit on top of the chicken without obstructing the anti block shield and pin.
Without pushing down on the ingredients that have already been loaded into the pot, in order to allow room for the steam and liquid, place the trivet on top of the Chicken and diced Tomatoes, then place the bowl of Rice and it’s liquid on top of the trivet. The trivet will keep the rice bowl stable. Make sure that the Bowls top is not going to interfere with the Pin and anti block shield, I move it closer to the front of the pot to make it work. See pic.
Put the lid on and set the time to 10 min. Allow for 30 min NPR .
At this point, set a large frying pan or large plate down on the counter to set the bowl and trivet on, you will have to take the rice bowl and trivet out, then if you didn’t use the bone in Chicken Continue to adding the Shrimp, but if you used hind quarters, very carefully remove the chicken with tongs, put it on the plate or frying pan beside the rice… you may need a spoon to help keep the bones together. I replace the rice bowl back into the pot after I get the chicken out. Pick the Chicken meat from the bones. Move the rice bowl back out to the frying pan…Return the deboned chicken back into the Pot.
Turn the a Pot off and then back on to Sauté Hi and Wait til the liquid just starts to boil. Quickly turn the pot off and add the Shrimp to the hot liquid, pushing the Shrimp down into the liquid. Set the lid on and wait about 3-4 min, then stir the Shrimp into the liquid carefully and breaking up the Chicken. Check for doneness on the Shrimp.
Serve rice into the bowl and then pour some of the Jambalaya Stew over the Rice, and sprinkle with File Gumbo seasoning if you have it.

These are hot peppers from Costco . If you don’t use them, add 1/2 tsp Cayanne .


Here is another Batch…Stove top Version. You can add Chicken chopped into 1” pieces and cook it along with the Kielbasa and then add Shrimp at the end if you want, but this one doesn’t have either. Cook Time will be a little longer to Cook the Chicken so add about 5 min to the Sauté time with the Kielbasa. However, I just used Kielbasa for the Meat this time.

1 Lb Texas Kielbasa. (10 inches?) 1 1/2 round Sliced thin
1/2 sweet Vidallia type Onion
5 cloves Garlic
5 white Mushrooms
1/2 Green Pepper
1/2 Red Bell Pepper
1/2 yellow Pepper
1 c Celery
10 ish Cherry Tomatoes
1 Tbsp Low sodium Better than Bullion
1 1/2 Tbsp Oregano
10 strands Saffron.
1 Tbsp Chili Powder
A couple dashes File Gumbo (sassafras)
1 1/2 c cooked Rice
1 Tbsp Bacon Grease
2 Tbsp Evoo
3/4 c water.

I use a Food Processor to Mince the Garlic and the Chop all the Veggies to a finer size, about 1/4-1/3” pieces Because it cooks faster.
Using a Large heavy Skillet or Deep frying Pan heated to Medium High heat.
Add the Evoo, Bacon Grease and the Veggies and Sauté until they become soft, about 5 min.
Add the Kielbasa and continue to Sauté until the Meat is Hot and veggies create liquid, about 5 min. (If using Chicken, add it at this point and Saute for about 5 more min)
Add the Better than Bullion and Water. Turn the Burner to Medium. Put a lid on the Pot and let Simmer, not boiling for about 15 min. Stir once or twice during this time and simmer until Veggies are well cooked and flavors have Blended.
Add the Rice and Saffron, mix well and let the Rice simmer in the Sauce for about 10 min to absorb the Liquid. ( If adding Shrimp, do it now)
Add the File Gumbo before serving.

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