Pork Tenderloin IP

This Tender and Juicy Roast is cooked in the 8q but can be cooked in the 6q as well. These are from Costco. They come 2 in a package.
If you are using smaller Tenderloins than these, like the ones from Walmart that are about 6” long, then you adjust your Cook time down t0 O min.
And…if you like these larger ones that are in the 2 1/2 lb pkgs done more, then you can always Sear them for a little longer before cooking in the IP.
From Frozen click here for the link .Pork Tenderloin Frozen IP

2 1/2 lb Pork Tenderloin directly from the fridge (They are two separate pieces in one pkg)
1 Can of Chicken Broth.
1 1/2 tsp Lower Sodium Better than Bullion Chicken.
1 1/2 Tbsp Rub (see pic below.
2 Tbsp Bacon Grease. (For Searing)

For the Slurry to make the Gravy.
About 2 Tbsp Corn Starch and 1 1/2 Tbsp water

Pour the Chicken Broth into the Stainless Pot.
Add the Better than Bullion Chicken and let it set while you
Sprinkle both pieces of the Tenderloin on all sides of the with the Rub. You will notice that the Tenderloins are round in shape so I sear them on Three sides.
Using a preheated, heavy Cast Iron Frying Pan set to Medium High, add the Bacon Grease to the Pan, then the Meat to. Sear for about 2 minutes. This is a fast and Hot Sear . Be careful not to Over Cook the Meat before you transfer it into the Pot. You are looking for the color on the meat to be Brown like in the pictures, which adds that good flavor, so Sear the two pieces of Tenderloin for about 2 min on the first side then turn them and Sear for about 1 min, then turn again to the third side and Sear for another minute. Remove from the heat.
Quickly go back to the Broth in the Pot and stir the Bullion into the Broth, then Lay the pieces of the Tenderloin down in the Broth and Seperate them a bit. (about 1/2”apart).
Put the lid on the Pot and set the time for 2 minutes, then allow for 23 min NPR time.
Turn the Pot off and back to Sauté and Remove both pieces of Meat from the Broth and onto a warmed platter to rest. Check the Temprature of the Roasts…target internal temp is 145°.
Make the Gravy … mix the Water into the Cornstarch to make the Slurry and whisk this mixture into the Broth as it comes to a boil. It’ll thicken as it cooks.
Slice your Pork into Medallions and Serve with Gravy.

Sear in a hot pan for about 2 min on the first side and 1 on the other two..3 sides total.
Posted on Categories General Recipes, Instant Pot Recipes