Rice Tips IP

This rice is 1 c Regular Basmati Rice, cooked in the IP….Rinsed and Soaked for 30 min, then drained well, 1 c water added, cooked on HI Pressure for 3 min with 10 min NPR. 50 min total time including soak time.

Method… RICE SETTING. This is Basmati. Well rinsed and well drained. 1 Tbsp oil swished with the rinsed rice. Ratio was 1 c rice to 1 1/8 c water. Rice setting. 12 min (low pressure) 10 min NPR. The result is a smoother even tender bite. If you have time, you may like this method.

Sticky Rice

Sushi. https://www.facebook.com/groups/718710391583115/permalink/2963235210463944/.

Simple Basmati or White Rice. This is 1 c well rinsed and well drained rice… with 1 c Water. 3-4 min hi pressure with at least 10 min NPR , or if you do 20 min NPR. Turn pot off to prevent sticking or at least …Keep warm then turned to Low.

See other pictures below.
Also you may be interested in the dreaded burn notice tips here.
About the Dreaded “Burn” Notice IP & “To Stir or Not to Stir”.
And the PIP tips.. here
PIP. (Pot In Pot) Tips, Reasons, methods and uses.

RICE …also PIP with pics and videos:


NOTE: Video above.. You can also cook your rice in a separate PIP pot for the same amount of time that you cook your beans or pot roast IF you subtract 2 TBSP liquid per c of well rinsed and very well drained Rice!

Rice, made in the IP is different than stove top or rice cooker rice. You will use a 1:1 ratio rice to clear liquids + or – depending on your personal taste, but start with 1:1. Also you may be adjusting plus or minus, 1 Tbsp per cup. Once you have made it once, you will know if you want more or less liquid next time. You will learn as you go.
Rice that has just a tad too “little” liquid is an ez fix. ….You can add more and shut the lid while the rice is on keep warm because it keeps absorbing liquid as time goes on. You may want to even turn the pot OFF so that it keeps from sticking as time goes on.

Too much water is a harder fix . (You will end up with gooey sticky rice).

Rice in the Instant Pot is usually a 1:1 ratio of clear liquids and Rice. You can use:

White or Brown Basmati

White or brown Jasmin

Calrose (Sometimes called Friendly, Family or even used for Sticky Rice) for Sweet Rice use 1-2 Tbsp less water per cup of water)

Regular white

Long grain brown (add 2 min more time. ..also If you like it A little wetter, add 1-2 Tbsp extra water)

Green Infused




Black Japonica


Put the Rice In a fine mesh colander. your going to use 1:1 ratio of Rice to Liquid after (or use broth in place of water after you rinse it).. rinse it well, until the water runs clear… then drain well and shake it out. If your making the rice directly in the Pot then add it and the 1:1 Ratio of Liquid to the pot.
Set the time for 3 min and allow 10-15 min NPR. Turn pot off to prevent sticking or at least keep warm low.

For Pot in Pot or PIP Rice (seen in pics).
Pour 1 cup water in inner pot. More or less once you have made it. Adjust for next time, for your preference. Add the trivet.i

I use a STAINLESS STEEL (important) mixing bowl with sides not too high.

Put the rice and its liquid in a stainless bowl.

Put the bowl on the trivet, then the lid on and vent to sealing.
Set manual or Pressure cook for 3 minutes, and give it 10-15 min of NPR at least 10.(Natural Pressure Release). Then you will QR (quick release) any remaining pressure. Fluff the Rice and return the lid until your ready to eat. It should be on stay warm and will keep warm for hours. Keep warm is an automatic feature and is easily turned off if you desire.

*For Brown Calrose rice, Red Rice, or Multi grain Rice Medley including Brown, Wild, regular white and grains …. Manual 8 min…15 min NPR, Or 4 min with full NPR plus a few, depending on when you need it. See pic.

Note* I would not use the rice button and PIP with BROWN rice in the newer models. they actually cook differently than the older ones.

For normal Brown Rice cooked in the inner pot … cook at Hi pressure for 8 min and 10 min NPR.. or Rice setting and 10-15 min NPR . See pic.

Directions for direct IN POT RICE:

Remember the 1:1 Ratio of Rice to Clear Liquids.
Add your wellll rinsed and welllll drained Rice to the inner pot. If using the RICE BUTTON Press the Rice Button.
For using the Manual or Pressure cook button. Press your Pots button for Pressure cooking and set your time for 3-4 min. Allow for 10-15 min NPR.
Note*** With the Newer Pots I would NOT do PIP Brown Rice using the Rice button. Use the MAIN Pressure cook cycle on Hi
If using RICE BUTTON: The Rice button is 12 min at Low Pressure Only.


There is More than one way to do this?
Do not rinse the Rice for this method.
Sauté your choice of Rice in the butter, oil or ghee until it starts to pop and starts to become chalky looking, careful not to burn.
Using this method, you must deglaze the pot with your liquid and carefully scrape off any, and all brown from the bottom.
Add your liquid and press Manual or Pressure Cook and adjust the time to 4 minutes manual. When the pot beeps, leave it in the pot for 15-20 min to NPR.

Another method to doing Regular Rices with the Sauté, is after Sautéing, just press the Rice button and QR …this takes about 20 min.


I did Par Boiled medium grain Rice experiment today. 3/4 c rice to 3/4 water. thrown in the pot directly. I just set the rice button. It turned out fine, a lil wet, and sticky at first, but that went away as it set. See pic.

Regular grain Brown Rice, well rinsed and well drained. Use the Rice setting and add 10 min NPR.
(Rice setting is Low pressure and cooks for 12 min. )
Sweet rice for Sticky rice use 2 Tbsp less water per cup.
Calrose Rice, (sometimes called Friendly, Family rice and Can also be used for “Sticky Rice”)
This was par boiled rice . Rice setting. 3/4 c rice…3/4 c water. 12 min and QR.
Spanish rice, See Recipe.

Spanish Rice Recipe. Spanish Rice for a Crowd IP and Stove top combo

Calrose before fluffing It will be like Sticky Rice.
Part of my multiple rice experiments
Basic rice Before fluffing
This pic is of Rice and Cream of Asparagus Soup. Cream of Asparagus Soup IP
Rice a roni. see Recipe

For Rice- a-Roni Recipe Rice a Roni IP with or without Chicken

Basic ricePrior to fluffing
As a side. This was a frozen pre cooked turkey breast and sweet potato, cooked for 22 min this pic is prior to fluffing
This was Steamed Sweet Rice, soaked for three hrs and steamed 12 min with the Vent open. add 1 1/2- 2 c water in the bottom for enough steam to go for the 12 min. Important.. to time it seperatly once it starts to steam and hiss out the vent, turn the timer on.. delicious. This is the one like the Vietnamese or Laotian people do in the Bamboo steamer Baskets, above the Aluminum pots.
Fried rice, recipe in menu

To make Fried Rice IP

Notice where the rice is here? This was just simple well rinsed and well drained rice with 1:1 ratio. Press the Rice button. The rice button only cooks on Low Pressure and is pre set for 12 min. QR.

Teriyaki …Chicken, Pork or Beef and rice same pot PIP. IP

Multi grain Rice, 1 c well rinsed and well drained. 4 min Hi pressure, 25, NPR. 30 NPR is best as stated above.
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