These work best using a Silicone pad to roll out pie dough on see pics below.
2 c Flour
1 c Masa Harina
1 1/3 c HOT water
2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/3 c Lard.
In the Kitchen Aid add the dry ingredients to the bowl, and stir them together for a few seconds. Add the Lard and blend for about seconds to a minute. Add all the HOT hot water at once, then turn on the machine to speed 4 for a minute. Switch to the dough hook and gradually turn the speed up to just below full speed and mix for 3 min. Stop and divide the dough up and roll into balls. I do 6 small and 6 bigger, for burrito size too.
Cover with plastic wrap for 15-30 min to rest.
Press and roll out to nice and thin try not to over handle, dough should be soft but not sticky.
Preheat your Comal or Griddle to Medium heat.
Using a silicone pad, roll out as thin and as evenly as you can, rolling all the way over the edge. Notice in pic that you can see through them.
Lift Tortilla off with the rolling pan, and carefully lay onto the griddle. They will break loose after a few seconds which makes them easy to move around. Cook about a minute, and flip, then repeat, until they just start to brown and dry enough to stack. Cook just enough so they won’t stick together as you stack them. As they are done, stack, but cover with plastic until the next one is done. Cool the stack enough to put into a plastic bag while they are still a bit warm. Too hot and they will be soggy. Store in the produce sized plastic baggie.